images-2Today I ignored all the demands and judgments of what other people think I should be. I am not here to live up to anyone’s expectations, it can no longer define me. I am an artist, whatever version of me that exists right now is the right version, and I stand by her. I am exactly where I’m supposed to be, in this moment, in this opportunity in this reality.

While at work, I will whistle and do the work as it serves me. I will give passionately, and produce in a way I am designed to produce with vigor and my own creativity, sans data.. or deadlines.

I will not cater to any social rules they cannot serve me in a society that’s unsure of itself.  I will keep it simple and smile with whomever I feel connected to smile with, only authentic conversations…and if some dialogue doesn’t move me I will simply turn my back and walk away. I can feel it this version of me is the story I wish to create it will generate a good read in the end.

This morning I was driven to begin my day with stillness. I sat alone, and life became still and easy.  Even amongst the chaos, I walked with my own stillness. I didn’t even know that was a real feat, (to walk with stillness) I thought it was purely theoretical. My day ended with me feeling like I had actually been the kind of mother I usually beat myself up over not being. I could feel my space expanding in such a way that I had time to connect  into an energy flow that manifested caring mother and cared for children. I released all resistance. As a bonus I became abundant, and I had a chance to be loving on my phone call, with my fiance despite our long distance, I showed him so much love, and he became loving…well he’s actually always loving…it’s me.. I’m the…but I loved him..the way I love him in my movie day dreams. :)starring he.

Today I actually lived outside of my SOMEDAY, and stayed living in my moments.  I activated an emotional reset button. That kept me in a higher vibration, that led me to my blinking laptop cursor. Then It began. I combed through the first 30 pages of the screen play and started pulling it together, and taking it apart…it was sensational!  it felt right! it felt beautiful.

I thought I would re-read it and feel disconnected and disappointed or want to change everything. Instead, I just polished it, and polished it, and polished it some more. My shiny new script is glistening with so much of me..I’m happy and grateful for today.. I hope to have many more… days like this.

I wish I felt like this all the time. I wish for us all to have days like this. Man I gotta tell you, after 42  ok 43 yrs of living with me, I’m finally falling in love with me. I’m in love with me. Writing has helped me find my emotional reset button it serves me. Life is too short.  Mom died at 41 I wonder when she found her reset button? I plan to use mine to the fullest.


Honest T